Excerpts from Craig Connally’s book The Mountaineering Handbook
Craigs book is essential if your experience as a backpacker or climber is calling you further into the wilderness. Above all, if the cold and remote alpine environment calls, you must read this book. The modern Mountaineering Handbook will teach you the skills that will take you to the top. First of all, even if you’re already an experienced mountaineer, you’ll find detailed descriptions of the newest and most effective techniques. The book helps you refine and organize your methods and equipment. The Mountaineering Handbook isn’t mired in outdated traditionalism. This is a new school approach with techniques that are safer, more effective, and more fun. Constant emphasis on light, fast, and efficient mountaineering is the theme of this book. Craig Connally shows you how to do so many things in this book, it is not enough to describe here. Get the book and learn from a master mountaineer. Also available in Chinese and Spanish.
Modern Mountaineering
Learn how to move quickly on rock, snow, and ice with appropriate safety systems. Manage mountain hazards, including rockfall, avalanche, lightning, and high altitude sickness. Craig teaches you how too select the best equipment for your personal style and objectives. Most importantly, Craig describes how to maintain sound nutrition and training. All of this information is is based on the most up-to-date science. Craig will help you understand the human factors of mountaineering. Novice mountaineers sometimes misjudge the social and psychological forces that influence critical decisions. Craig will help you navigate all of these considerations and more.
About Craig Connally
Mr. Connally’s passion for modern mountaineering is evident in his writing. The Mountaineering Handbook is clever, insightful, and entertaining. Craig, in contrast to other writers, intends to move mountaineering farther into the twenty-first century. However, he is determined to turn the traditional how to book on its ear by injecting personality, humor, and thoughtfulness into every page.